
Using recovery for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: After your child does something that makes you angry or frustrated, take time to calm down. Then find something fun to do with your child. This is like a reset […]


Using helping for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Rather than getting upset that your child can’t do something, help them learn. Purpose:Sometimes we forget that young children don’t know how to do certain tasks. Helping your child learn […]

Effective Commands

Using effective commands for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Calmly tell your child exactly what to do, then wait. For example, “Please go to the car for school.” Or, “Please brush your teeth now.” Purpose:When you “calmly tell […]

Consistent Consequences

Using consistent consequences for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Make sure to praise whenever your child follows directions. For example, “Thank you for listening.”  Use your removal of privilege script with logical and appropriate consequences. Purpose:The removal of […]


Using a redo for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Use a redo to keep yourself calm and confident. For example, “Oops, you forgot to take your shoes off. When you come back and take off your shoes, then […]


Using modeling for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Talk about how you handle stress. For example, “I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the things we have to do this week. I’m going to write it all out so I […]


Using rules for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Make rules that are important to you and your values as a caregiver. Purpose:As a caregiver, you are the person who needs to set boundaries. Having clear rules helps you […]


Using choices for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Use choices to make your life easier. For example, “Do you want to walk or be carried to bedtime?”  Purpose:Having choices gives your child a sense of control. But, ultimately […]


Using when-then & if-then statements for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Set safe and healthy boundaries. For example, “When you finish your chores, then we can talk about whether you can play with your friend.” “If you hit […]

Strategic Attention

Using strategic attention for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Take a break and do something that helps you calm down.  Purpose:When you’re frustrated, use strategic attention as a time out for yourself. Sometimes the best thing you can […]