
Using redirect for mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: If your child starts to get off their chair, redirect them to the table. For example, tell them a story or talk about the meal.  Purpose: Redirect helps your […]

Adjust the Environment

Using adjust the environment for mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: At mealtimes, limit distractions. For example, turn off the TV. Or, move their chair to limit distractions. Purpose: Adjusting the environment makes it easier for children to do […]


Using transitions for mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: Try using a visual timer, for example an hourglass or clock. Your child can keep track of how much longer they have to stay in their chair. Purpose: Transitions […]


Using enjoy for Mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: Laugh and have fun at the table. The more fun mealtime is, the less your child will want to get out of their chair. Purpose: Most things are better […]


Using descriptions for Mealtime Troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: Describe what your child is doing. This will keep them focused on being at the table. For example, “You’re using your spoon to eat your soup.” Purpose: Descriptions help […]


Using imitations for Mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: Stay seated at the table with your child. Say “we’re all sitting together at the table.” Purpose: Imitation shows you notice your child’s good behaviors. This makes your child […]


Using reflections for Mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: Reflect what your child says during mealtime.  For example, imagine your child says, “We played kickball today.” Repeat back “Kickball! I’m excited to hear about it.”  Purpose: Reflecting lets […]


Using praise For mealtime troubles Recognize the behavior: Gets out of chair repeatedly. Identify what you want to see: Staying in the chair. Use the Skill: As soon as your child sits down, praise them. For example, “Thank you for sitting in your chair.”  Purpose: It’s hard to praise when your child is in the […]