
Using a redo for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: You might say, “Try again. I can see you are worried. When you tell me what you need calmly, then we can talk about it.” Purpose:A redo can be […]


Using modeling for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Talk about how you deal with anxiety. For example, “I really hate spiders. I feel brave, but I also need to take a few deep breaths to calm down. Feel […]


Using rules for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Use rules for behaviors. For example, “The rule is children must go to school unless they are sick. If you go to school today, then I have some fun games […]


Using choices for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Use choices to help your child manage anxiety. For example, “You’ve got two choices: you can hold my hand or we can walk in next to each other.” Or  “You […]


Using when-then & if-then statements for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Show your child the benefit of being brave. For example, “When the shot is over, we’ll get ice cream.” “When I pet this dog gently, it is […]

Strategic Attention

Using strategic attention for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Try to let your child feel whatever they feel. Reflect and stay quiet. Then praise talking about their feelings and any brave behaviors. Purpose:It is ok for children to […]


Using redirect for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Help your child use their senses when they get anxious. For example, “This carpet feel soft and fuzzy. How would you describe it?” “I wonder how many green things we can […]

Adjust the Environment

Using adjust the environment for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Talk to your child about what makes them feel safe and try to add these things to your home. For example, nightlight, a note, weighted blanket, or calm […]


Using transitions for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Try creating a transition routine with your child before and after stressful events. For example, have play time, sing a song, press hands together, or have a special phrase you […]


Using recovery for frustration tolerance Recognize what you want to see: Sticking with it, staying calm, coming up with new ideas, trying again. Use the skill: Use recovery after frustration. Try tickles, hugs, sitting next to each other, playing an easy game together, or coloring together. Purpose:After your child calms down, help them learn to […]