Welcome to our Enjoy lesson
- In this section, you will learn
- What enjoy means
- Why it is important to enjoy
- How to use enjoyment to improve behaviors

Enjoy lesson
what does it mean to enjoy?
- Showing positive emotions about your child and their play.
- Telling your child you're having fun with them.
- Showing interest in your child in nonverbal ways.
Enjoyment should be warm and genuine.

What does enjoy look and sound like?
- "I love playing with you."
- "Building the blocks together is so much fun."
- "I like playing with these dolls."
- "This board game is cool."
- Laughing and smiling together.
- Giving big hugs.

enjoy live in action
why is it important to enjoy?
Click below to read more:
Children want to spend time with people who like them. When you enjoy your time together, you will want to spend more time together. This will make your relationship stronger.
It is important to tell and show children that you like being with them. This lets them know they are worth spending time with.
Try saying “I have so much fun playing with you.” Some children need physical touch to feel loved. In this case, give your child a hug or rub their back. Some children don’t like physical closeness. In this case, you can smile at them or be enthusiastic in your play.
Enjoyment helps your child know how to show their enjoyment in other situations.
If your child whines about something they have to do, you can validate their feelings and then find something to enjoy about the situation.
For example, imagine your child whines about cleaning up. You could say “It is frustrating to have to clean up. But it’s a lot more fun to do it together! I love helping you, and I love it when you help me too.” Try singing a song together or making it into a game so you can laugh and smile.

When and how should I enjoy?
Learn how enjoy can be used by selecting a specific difficult behavior below.
More: Learn how enjoy can be used by selecting a specific positive behavior/goal below.
Pay attention to how you enjoy
Click below to read more:
Pay attention to how your child reacts when you show enjoyment and try to match their style. Try what feels most natural to both of you (e.g., hugs, smiles, laughter, sitting together, pats on the back).
Do you like the toys? Do you like how you feel when you play together? Do you like seeing your child try a new activity? Expressing your feelings can be a good way to genuinely show your enjoyment to your child.

Caregiver Voices
Other caregivers share how they enjoy at home:
“Because of this program, now I’m able to sit there and engage with all of my children at the same time and still be able to focus on them. So everybody feels included. Everybody is happy.”
“It was the dynamic that my children and I had that needed to change. And all of the pride skills have helped so much in that.”
How would you enjoy?
Question #1
Your child loves to play with Playdough. You like playing with your child but you think Playdough is boring. They just asked you to play with Playdough again. What would you say?
Question #2
Your child comes into the kitchen while you’re making dinner. They start asking all about what you’re doing because they want to help. What can you say?
Question #3
What are some appropriate ways to show physical affection in your enjoyment?
Ideas for fun enjoy activities
10 to 20 minutes
Print out some blank bingo cards (5 X 5 grid with 25 blank spots). Each person fills in the blank spots of the grid with their favorite things (e.g., favorite animals, foods, movies or shows, songs, activities, etc.). Go around to different people and compare grids. If you share a favorite thing, circle it on your grid! Continue until someone gets 5 circles in a row.
10 to 20 Minutes
Take turns choosing a fun song to dance to! Try out your silliest dance moves and see if you can make each other smile or laugh.
5 to 10 minutes
Take turns sharing memories about times you enjoyed each other together. “Remember when we..?” “Yes! Remember when we…”
My plan for Enjoy
Think about how you can use enjoyment at home:
Hooray! You've learned a new skill: Enjoy

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