Welcome to our lesson on adjusting the environment

Adjust the Environment overview

What is adjusting the environment?

What does adjusting the environment look like?

Adjusting the environment live in action

Why is adjusting the environment important?

Click below to read more:

We adjust the environment to keep children safe. We do this by making sure they can’t get to things that could be dangerous or hurt them.

For example, you can cover outlets for young children. You can also put parental controls on tablets or phones for older children.

Adjusting the environment improves behaviors by taking away things that prompt negative behaviors. It is easier for children to listen, follow the rules, and make good choices when they are not distracted or tempted. 

  • Some children get focused on a TV or device when they are supposed to be doing something else. In this case, turn off the device and or put it out of sight.
  • If a child is having a hard time cleaning up, move the bin closer. This makes clean-up easier. 
  • At mealtimes, limit distractions. For example, turn off the TV. Or, move their chair to limit distractions

Adjusting the environment helps you avoid giving a lot of commands to your child. It also helps you avoid having to tell them no, don’t, stop, quit, or not. When you want to say these things, think about how you can adjust the environment instead.

When and how should I adjust the environment?

Learn how adjust the environment can be used by selecting a specific difficult behavior below.

More: Learn how adjust the environment can be used by selecting a specific positive behavior/goal below.

Caregiver Voices

Other caregivers share how they’ve adjusted the environment at home:

“We’ve definitely made everything more compliance friendly, and that has made a big difference. So like my daughter’s room is clean constantly. She wants it to always be picked up and clean, which I’ve realized makes a big difference for her and her stress level. […] I think with that just comes a lot of – like, she has just so much more pride for herself. […] We’ve set up our house more for compliance and doing that, keeping everything just more organized and where the kids know where it is and where they can reach it. That they have those choices has definitely made a difference for them feeling their independence throughout the day.”

Ideas for fun activities

Click below to read more: 

Looking at a magazine or book illustration. Point out anything dangerous or things that could be problems. Talk about how those things could be adjusted to makes it better.

Take a photo of a room in your house. Then have one person change something in the room. Make sure there is a reason for the change. The other person can use the “before” photo to find what changed. They also have to guess what problem the change would fix.

My plan for adjusting the environment

Think about how you can adjust the environment at home.

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Great job! This is a good example of adjusting the environment.

Great job! These are all good examples of adjusting the environment.

Not quite. Remember that adjusting the environment means changing the physical environment to make positive behavior easier.

Not quite. Remember that adjusting the environment means changing the physical environment to make positive behavior easier.