When children take a lot more time than you think they should take.
When they have long moments of stillness after you ask them to do something.
When they get easily side-tracked by siblings, toys, or just about anything.
Where do they get this from?
Children often have a hard time switching from one activity to the next. It's harder when the next activity is something they don't want to do– like going to bed or school.
In the middle of doing something they don’t like, children may slow down to avoid doing it- like homework or eating something they don’t like.
Some children have a harder time than others adjusting to new activities because of their temperament. These children prefer whatever they’re doing at the moment over something new, even if it might be fun.
Sometimes young children take more time to do tasks on their own. They may have a harder time remembering what to do or get sidetracked more easily. This looks a lot like stalling, though it might not be on purpose. It’s important to let them do things independently if they can, but you may need to use some PC-CARE skills to keep them on track!
How can I use a skill?
Learn how a skill can be used for Stalling, Delaying