
Using redirect for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: When you get annoyed, redirect by telling a funny story, having a tickle fight, or turning on your favorite song for a dance party. Purpose:It is frustrating to correct your […]

Adjust the Environment

Using adjust the environment for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Try to remove or change things that cause a lot of stress. Make sure you have support, like a partner, parent, friend, or nanny. Purpose:It is stressful to […]


Using transitions for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Use transitions throughout the day. For example, “We’re leaving for school in 5 minutes.” Purpose:Transitions help you prepare for change, too! When you know what’s coming, you’ll feel calmer and […]


Using enjoy for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to SEE: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Do things that let you and your child laugh together. For example, have a tickle fight, tell each other jokes, or make up silly dance moves. Purpose:Laughter is a great […]


Using descriptions for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to SEE: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Describe your behaviors too! For example, “I’m placing my piece here. And you placed your piece there.” Purpose:Descriptions are a mindfulness activity for you too. Describing behaviors in the moment […]


Using imitation for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Try to find a few minutes every day to let your child lead playtime. Just do what they do. Let go of the need to teach, correct, or lead. Purpose: […]


Using reflections for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Reflect your child before getting upset. For example, your child tells you somebody pushed them at school. Take a deep breath and reflect, “Someone pushed you today.” Then pause to […]


Using praise for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Praise yourself whenever you can. For example, “I’m working really hard.” or “I did a good job staying calm even though I was so angry.” Purpose: Take a moment to […]