
Using choices for stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: You could give two choices to keep your child focused on the task. For example, “Today, you can choose the blue shirt or the green shirt.” Purpose: Sometimes […]


Using when-then & if-then statements for stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: Let your child know what comes after getting dressed. For example, “When you finish getting dressed, you can play until we leave.”  Purpose: When-then & […]

Strategic Attention

Using strategic attention for Stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: Use strategic attention with redirect and modeling as you start to pick out their clothes. Give lots of positive attention when they join you. Purpose: Strategic attention […]


Using redirect for stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: Stay with your child. If they get distracted, redirect them to getting dressed. For example, “You’re so close. Just your pants to go.” Purpose: Redirecting helps your child […]

Adjust the Environment

Using adjusting the environment for stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: Are there too many options? Try laying out clothes the night before. Are there distractions? Make sure the TV is off and toys are away. Purpose: […]


Using transitions for stalling, delaying Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: Try making a visual routine for the morning to help your child remember what to do. It might be helpful for your child to put a check mark […]


Using reflect when your child DAWDLES, LINGERS, STALLS OR DELAYS Recognize the behavior: Takes too long  to get dressed. Identify what you want to see: Picking out clothes quickly. Use the Skill: If the child says, “I’m getting dressed!” Repeat back to the child, “You’re getting dressed!” Purpose: Reflecting lets your child feel heard and […]


Using praise for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to see: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Praise yourself whenever you can. For example, “I’m working really hard.” or “I did a good job staying calm even though I was so angry.” Purpose: Take a moment to […]


Using praise for a better attitude Recognize what you want to see: Being respectful and kind, doing something with a good attitude Use the skill: Praise whenever your child speaks respectfully, even if you do not agree with what they say. For example, “Thank you for respectfully telling me how you feel.” Purpose: Notice whenever […]


Using praise for reducing anxiety and feeling safe Recognize what you want to see: Feeling safe, calmly talking about feelings, acting brave. Use the skill: Praise whenever they tell you about something scary or when they do something that makes them anxious. For example, “Thank you for telling me about this.” or “You are so […]