Using redirect for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: If you notice your child getting angry, offer a snack or drink, point out another really fun activity, or help them use a calming […]
Adjust the Environment
Using adjust the environment for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: You could put away the balls for awhile. Or, make sure your child isn’t hungry, tired, thirsty, or angry when you go […]
Using transitions for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: Imagine your child throws the ball when it is time to leave. In that case, try giving a 5 minute transition warning or saying […]
Using enjoy 3for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: During your play time, use enjoyment to teach social skills. For example, “It’s so much fun to play together when you’re so kind.” You […]
Using descriptions for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: During your playtime, describe any nice, helping, or sharing behaviors. For example, “You’re letting me have my turn.” Purpose: You can’t describe your child’s […]
Using imitation for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: When playing with your child, imitate any nice behaviors they do. Purpose: Imitation shows you notice your child’s good behaviors. This makes your child […]
Using reflections for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: Imagine your child says, “I don’t know why I threw it.” Reflect them. For example, “You don’t know why you threw it. I get […]
Using praise for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: Notice whenever your child plays nicely with others and praise them. For example, “I love how nicely you played with that kid.” Purpose: It’s […]