Recognize the behavior:
Gets out of chair repeatedly.

Identify what you want to see:
Staying in the chair.

Use the Skill:
You might set up a reward for staying seated. For example, “when you stay in your chair for the whole meal, we can go to the park afterwards.”
When-then & if-then statements show children what will happen when they make certain choices. Set them up for success by letting them know what will happen when they behave the way you want. If you need to change behavior in the moment, you might want to use an if-then to set a boundary. In the chair example, you might say, "If you get out of your chair again, you won't get dessert."
Remember that children are learning! Be sure your child can do the things you want them to do before using when-then or if-then statements.
Remember that when-then & if-then statements are most helpful when you also use the other PC-CARE skills.