Welcome to our lesson on Learning skills
- In this section, you will learn
- How children learn new skills
- How you can help your child learn new skills

Learning Skills overview

- We cannot expect children to something on their own, if we have not first done it with them and helped them do it.

First, parents have to dress their infants and pick up their toys.

As the child gets older, parents work with the child to get dressed and pick up toys.

As the child becomes more skilled, the parent watches, gives support, and makes sure the child gets dressed and puts away their toys.

After lots of practice, the child can get dressed and pick up toys on their own.
- No one expects an infant to dress themselves or pick up their own toys. As children grow, they need their parents to help them learn to complete these tasks.
HOW CHILDREN LEARN TO manage emotions

Infants lay on their parents’ chests. The parents’ breathing and heart rate changes the infant’s breathing and heart rate.

Parents notice their child getting upset. They breathe slowly with the child until they calm down.

Parents notice their child getting upset. They remind the child to breathe slowly.

Children start to notice themselves getting upset. They take slow breaths to calm down.
- Children learn to manage their emotions the same way they learn to get dressed or pick up toys. We cannot expect children to calm themselves without first teaching them how to do it, doing it with them, and helping them do it.
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