Welcome to our Lesson on calm bodies
- In this section, you will learn
- Why a calm body is important
- How to practice calming your body

How to Calm Your Body
- Tense then relax your muscles. This teaches your body how to relax.
- Relaxing your muscles helps you calm down when you’re getting stressed or angry.
- Massage is also a great way to relax muscles and calm down.
Remember that children need your help to learn skills!

Calm body activities for kids
For children, it is easier to learn how to calm their body through activities. Here are some ways you can teach and practice calm bodies.
Make your body stiff and walk like a robot (silly noises help). Then, relax your body, like a ragdoll.
Squeezing Playdough
Pretend you are holding a ball of Play-Dough. SQUEE-EEEZE it as hard as you can! Then, let it go.
Squeeze Through Trees
Make your back straight your stomach hard. Pretend to squeeze between two trees. Then, relax and shake it all out!
Make your body stiff like a snowman. Then, slowly melt down to the ground in a puddle.
Make your body stiff like a raw noodle. Then, pretend you’re being cooked. Slowly make your body floppy like a cooked noodle.
Calm body activities for Caregivers
Here are some good calm body activities for you. Remember that you need to take care of yourself too!
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Squeeze your hands in fists as tight as you can, then relax them. Try to tense and relax all your muscles. Start with your eyes. Then move all the way down to your toes.
Use your hands or a small ball to massage your muscles. You could also ask a partner to give you a massage.
Calm body activities To do together
Try these calm body activities that need you and your child to practice together.
Robot/ragdoll game
Play Simon Says with Robot/Ragdoll. Take turns being Simon. Feel free to laugh and be silly.
Back Stories
Tell your child a story while you use your hands to “draw” on their back. For example, draw triangles for mountains. Tap your fingers to walk up the mountain. Then, switch places and let your child tell a story on your back.
Hugs are a great way to calm down. Let your child know you are there if they want a hug. During a hug, stay quiet and let your child end the hug when they are ready.
more ideas for fun calm body activities
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Additional Resources
Super Stretch Yoga- HD (App)
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