
Using modeling when your goal is: having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Talk about how much fun you are having, share with your child, and speak kindly to your child. Purpose:Model having fun together. This will help you both have more fun. Go Back


Using rules for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: If needed, you could set a rule like, “The rule is play kindly with each other. If we are kind, we can keep having fun together. If we hurt each other, we will have to stop […]


Using choices for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Try using choices about what you do together. For example, “Your choice: we can play with Legos or dress up.” Purpose:Get your child excited for playtime by giving them choices of what to play. Make playtime […]


Using when-then & if-then statements for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Remind your child how to play together nicely. For example, “When you come back to the table, we can keep playing the game.” “When you share with me, it makes me so happy.” […]

Strategic Attention

Using strategic attention for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Try to ignore annoying behaviors when you play. Just keep playing and describing what your child does that you like. Purpose:Trying to correct annoying behaviors makes you and your child annoyed. Instead, focus on your […]


Using redirect for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Have fun and talk about how much fun you are having. Describe your own play behaviors. Purpose:Get excited about your own play! This can redirect your child if they get frustrated or distracted. Go Back

Adjust the Environment

Using adjust the environment for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: When it is play time, you could put away your phone, turn off the tv, and try to go to an area that does not remind you of all the work you have to […]


Using transitions for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Try setting aside 5 minutes to play after homework. Or play a game during dinner. Or add play into bath time. Purpose: Add playtime into your daily routine so it becomes a habit. It is easy […]


Using enjoy for reducing parent stress and frustration Recognize what you want to SEE: Staying calm and feeling confident as a parent. Use the skill: Do things that let you and your child laugh together. For example, have a tickle fight, tell each other jokes, or make up silly dance moves. Purpose:Laughter is a great […]


Using enjoy for having a better attitude Recognize what you want to see: Being respectful and kind, doing something with a good attitude Use the skill: Find ways to turn difficult or boring activities into something fun. Purpose:Remind your child that things can be more fun when you do them together. Smile and laugh together […]