
Using redirect for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Imagine your childis overwhelmed and has trouble speaking. Redirect them to a calming skill and give a chance to ask again. Purpose:Redirect can give children a chance to calm down. Then they can try […]

Adjust the Environment

Using adjust the environment for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: You could make sure to give your child enough time to complete tasks without feeling rushed. Also, give them your full attention when they ask for help. Purpose:Adjusting the environment and expectations […]


Using transitions for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Give transitions before difficult activities. For example, “In 5 minutes it will be time to clean up.” Purpose:Giving transition warnings can help your child stay calm. This makes it easier for them to ask […]


Using enjoy for better communication Recognize what you want to SEE: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Show enjoyment when your child uses calm communication. For example, smile, hug, or rub their back. Purpose:Children need to learn to communicate their feelings and need for help. Smiling or physical affection lets them […]


Using descriptions for better communication Recognize what you want to SEE: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Describe your child’s behaviors to teach words. For example, “You have the purple star.” “You picked up the velociraptor.” “You’re trying to fit those pieces together.”  Purpose: Descriptions are a great way to teach […]


Using imitation for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Imagine your child is getting upset and moves closer to you. This is a way of asking for help. Imitate by moving closer to them, rubbing their back, or leaning in for a hug. […]


Using reflections for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Reflect when your child asks for help. For example, your child asks for a glass of milk. Reflect, “You want some milk. I’ll get it for you in a minute. I need to finish […]


Using praise for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Praise whenever your child tells you they did something wrong or need help. For example, “I’m so proud of you for telling me that.” Purpose: Praise whenever your child is able to tell you […]