
Using praise for frustration tolerance Recognize what you want to see: Sticking with it, staying calm, coming up with new ideas, and trying again. Use the skill: Praise whenever you see your child staying calm or sticking with a hard activity. For example, “Great job staying calm when that fell.” or “I love how you […]


Using praise for better communication Recognize what you want to see: Calmly telling parents when they need help. Use the skill: Praise whenever your child tells you they did something wrong or need help. For example, “I’m so proud of you for telling me that.” Purpose: Praise whenever your child is able to tell you […]


Using praise for having more fun together Recognize what you want to see: Actively playing together Use the skill: Praise whenever you play with your child. For example, “Thanks for playing with me.” Purpose: Praise will make time together more fun and let your child know how important this time is. Go Back


Using praise for overactivity Recognize the behavior: Constantly looking at other things when you are trying to read a story. Identify what you want to see: Focusing on the book. Use the Skill:  Give your child a fun job that keeps their attention, then praise each time they do the job. For example, “Great job […]


Using praise FOR interrupting Recognize the behavior: Repeatedly calls your name and pulls on your arm while you are talking to an adult. Identify what you want to see: Staying quiet while you finish talking. Use the Skill: Whenever your child is able to wait patiently, praise them. For example, “Thank you for waiting for […]


Using praise for picking fights Recognize the behavior: Throws a ball at a child on the playground. Identify what you want to see: Playing nicely with other kids. Use the Skill: Notice whenever your child plays nicely with others and praise them. For example, “I love how nicely you played with that kid.” Purpose: It’s […]


Using praise for carelessness Recognize the behavior: Drops your phone. Identify what you want to see: Carefully holding your phone. Use the Skill: Whenever your child is holding your phone carefully, praise them. For example, “Thank you for holding my phone carefully.” Purpose: It’s hard to praise when your child is in the middle of […]


Using praise for screaming Recognize the behavior: Throwing a loud tantrum. Identify what you want to see: using strategies to calm down when upset. Use the Skill: After the tantrum is over, praise them. For example, “I’m glad to see you calm again.”  In the future, praise whenever your child uses a calming strategy. For […]


Using praise for aggression Recognize the behavior: Hits or bites a sibling who took their toy. Identify what you want to see: Staying calm and asking for help when the sibling takes the toy. Use the Skill: Stay near your children the next time they play. If your child looks to you or asks for […]


Using praise for defiance Recognize the behavior: Refuses to leave a friend’s house when it’s time to go home. Identify what you want to see:  Saying goodbye and leaving the house Use the Skill: Even if it takes a while, praise as you leave. For example, “Great job saying goodbye to our friends!” Make your […]