Welcome to our lesson on calm breathing
- In this section, you will learn
- What calm breathing is
- Why calm breathing is important for children and caregivers
- How to practice calm breathing

Why is calm breathing important?
- Calm breathing is a great way to strengthen your brake pedal
- Slow, deep breathing slows your heart and your mind

- Have you ever said or done something when upset that you later regretted?
- Calm breathing helps you take control of your body and reactions. It helps you slow down and respond in a helpful way.
- Calm breathing has four important steps:
- Breathe in slowly through your nose. Try counting to 3 or 4.
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth with lips pursed. Imagine blowing out a candle or bubbles.
- Make sure your breath out is longer than your breath in. Try counting to 4 or 5.
- Focus on your stomach getting bigger as you breathe in and smaller as you breathe out.
Caregivers have better control when they are calm.
- Children don’t know how to use calm breathing. They need their caregivers to teach them.
- Practice when you are both calm. Then you’ll both be better able to use calm breathing when you get upset.
- Calmly take deep breaths so your child can see you.
- If it does not make your child upset, sit next to or hold your child while you breathe deeply. This way your child can feel the rhythm of breathing calmly.
Remember that children need your help to learn skills!
Calm breathing activities for kids
For children, it is easier to learn calm breathing through activities. Here are some ways you can teach and practice deep breathing.
Pretend you are smelling a beautiful flower. Then, pretend you are blowing out candles on a birthday cake.
Pretend you are holding hot chocolate or soup. Take a long smell of the yummy chocolate or soup. Then slowly blow out to cool it.
Take a big breath in you nose. Then make a snake sound (“ssss”) as you breathe out.
Breathe in and open your arms wide. Breathe out and give yourself a big hug.
- Big breath in!

- Don't forget to breathe out!

Fun Breathing Activities to Try Together
Click below to read more:
Use bubble wands to practice taking deep breaths. See who can make the biggest bubble (hint: blow slowly and softly). Then see who can make the most bubbles (hint: blow slowly but forcefully).
Take turns creating your own breathing activities. Be as creative as possible. Practice each breath at least 3 times.
Play a block stacking game like Jenga. Before each turn you have to take a deep, calming breath.
More ideas for calm breathing
Hooray! You've learned a new skill: Calm Breathing

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