Welcome to our lesson on playtime
- In this section, you will learn
- The difference between usual playtime and Daily Care playtime
- Why Daily Care playtime is important
- How to choose the right toys for Daily Care
- How to fit Daily Care in your schedule

What is Daily Care Playtime?
Daily Care Example:
Why is daily care important?
Click below to read more:
Think about the last time you played on the floor with your child for 5 straight minutes. How long has it been? Did it feel relaxing and fun? What did you learn about your child?
As busy parents, we often don’t have time to play with our children. When we do, it can feel like a chore, or we can feel like we have to teach and correct our child the entire time. Daily Care reminds us to step back and just enjoy our children.
- Children learn about the world through play.
- Playing with caregivers helps children develop skills for playing with friends.
- Playing helps children learn words.
- Children act out situations in play to learn how to manage them.
- When parents follow their child’s lead in play, it lets the child know that their ideas are important
When children have daily playtime with their caregivers, they become easier to parent.
- They tend to listen better at other times.
- They tend to seek attention less at other times.
Daily Care lets caregivers make positive memories with their children every day. This gives us more patience when challenging behaviors come up.
Play is an opportunity for shared fun and laughter. This makes relationships stronger.
- Children often share more about their lives with their caregivers.
- Children seek out help more often.
- Children want to spend time with their caregivers.

Planning for Daily Care: Activities
Click below to read more:
- Creative toys:
- Coloring
- Painting
- Craft kits
- Play-Doh
- Kinetic Sand
- Building toys:
- Blocks
- Magnetic tiles
- Legos
- Imaginative toys:
- Potato Head
- Toy Animals
- Toy food
- Toy people
- Toy buildings
- Toy cars
- Toy trains
- Simple games:
- Uno
- Memory
- Candy Land
- Cooperative games
Save these toys for other, non-Daily Care times.
- Outdoor sports:
- Trampolines
- Scooters
- Soccer
- Pretend weapons:
- Nerf guns
- Paintball
- Toy swords
- Games with a lot of rules
- Reading books
- Computer or video games
- Television
These are important activities. However, they are not playtime.
- Chores
- Mealtime
- Driving time
- Homework
Planning for Daily Care: Schedule
- Find a time you can do Daily Care every day. For example, after school or work, after dinner, or before bath time
- Set a reminder in your calendar so you don’t forget
- Maybe let your child choose special toys that you only use during Daily Care
- Schedule time with each of your children
- Try to give siblings a different activity in a different room

Daily care builds trust and love
Select Below
2-5 minutes
Watch this video together. Talk about all the ways you love and care for your child. Then talk about how happy you are to be their grown up and to play with them every day.
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